Donor from Ukraine , she has 1 child (girl). She speaks Ukrainian, English, Russian, she visited Austria, Egypt, Slovakia. Her childhood dreams was to be a veterinarian, to help animals.
What is your favourite book and/or author? Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
What is your favourite movie? Love comedy, mystical and drama films
Which countries have you visited? Austria, Egypt, Slovakia What is/are your goal(s) in life? To buy a house and a car. To make my daughter happy Who are your idols, heroes and heroines? My mother, she raised me a kind and gentle girl Which words describe your personality? Open, active, bold Describe your strong and weak sides. + Punctual, calm and responsible - Impatient. She likes Dancing, gymnastics, snowboarding.
Master's degree in Finance
Family History:
All family members are in good health.
No know allergies
Donor passed EXPANDED GENETIC CARRIER SCREENING for 400+ genes; FDA-eligible Donor
*All photos are natural, not processed; more photos of the donor and her daughter and son as well as voice record, and handwriting are available by request.